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Imperial Honeyed Peach Punch


15 - 20

What’s a tea party without some tasty tea punch? Our version of this old Southern tradition dating back to the early 1800s is made with Luzianne® Southern Blends Honeyed Peach tea. It’s a sparkling and peachy party punch that’s perfect for every festive occasion.


  • 1 (750 ml) bottle bourbon
  • 16 ounces Luzianne® Southern Blends Honeyed Peach Tea, brewed and chilled
  • 10 ounces lemon juice
  • 6 ounces Spiced Peach Syrup (or peach liqueur such as Giffard Peche de Vigne)
  • 5 ounces curaçao (or other orange liqueur)
  • 2 (750 ml) bottles sparkling wine
  • Ice for the punch bowl
  • Ice cubes for individual drinks
  • Dehydrated orange wheels, for garnish, optional
  • Peaches, sliced or diced, for garnish, optional


  1. 1. Combine bourbon, tea, lemon juice, peach syrup, and curaçao in a container; cover and chill in the refrigerator.
  2. 2. When ready to use, pour mixture in a punch bowl, add block or cube ice, and pour in sparkling wine. Garnish as desired.
  3. 3. Serve in a punch glass with one cube of ice and garnish of choice.